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作者:dacom 发布时间: 分类:英文说说 浏览:

迷恋的最长期限是4个月,超过这个时间,即为真正喜欢对方。 The longest period of infatuation is 4 months, beyond this time, that is to really like each other. 恋爱当中,女生会有一些吐槽,抱怨甚至谩骂...


The longest period of infatuation is 4 months, beyond this time, that is to really like each other.


In love, girls will have some Tucao, make complaints about, even abuse. At that time, they are actually seeking identity from the close ones. They are not trying to solve the problem.



When both sides quarrel, what really causes your anger may not be what happened at present, but the small things in front of you trigger the trauma complex in the past.


Some people will ask, girls go to school for so long, read so many books, and finally have to go back to an ordinary city, take an ordinary job, marry a woman, wash clothes and cook, and teach their husband and children.

Why bother? I think our insistence is to have the same work but different mood, the same family but different sentiment, the same offspring but different accomplishment even if we finally fall into the tedious situation.



People will meet a lot of people who are excited in their life. They may mistakenly think that they like it. In fact, it's just a moment's favor. After all, excitement is not the answer, but determination is.



Life is like a parabola, no matter how high your highest point is, it will eventually return to the original starting point.

This is the greatest regret in life, but also the greatest fairness.



When you buy a pair of shoes, you have to squat down and wipe them clean when you rub a little dust on them. After wearing them for a long time, you may rarely bow your head even if someone steps on them. It's almost the same with things and feelings. At first, she frowned you are distressed, to later, she shed tears, you are not nervous.


Some things can't be changed by hard work, just like no matter how beautiful the RMB of 50 yuan is, there is no one who likes the RMB of 100 yuan.


[看人性]你的好对别人来说,就像是一颗糖,吃了就沒有了;你的坏对别人来说,就像一道疤痕,留下了就永远存在,这就是人性 。

[look at human nature] to others, your good is like a sugar, which will disappear after eating; to others, your bad is like a scar, which will exist forever after leaving. This is human nature.

如果你丢了一部手机,你的爸妈知道了可能会给你送一部更好的,你会很高兴。如果你的对象跟你分手,但是你爱慕已久的那个人却跟你表白,你一定会不由自主地高兴起来。—— 人们害怕的不是失去,而是害怕失去以后没有更好的可以代替。

If you lose a mobile phone, your parents may send you a better one when they know about it, and you will be very happy. If your partner breaks up with you, but the person you have loved for a long time confesses to you, you will be happy involuntarily. ——What people are afraid of is not losing, but that there is no better one to replace after losing.



It's impolite to knock on a door that you don't want to open


[emotion] to maintain a relationship, in addition to heart and sweet words, but also strive to become better


