作者:dacom 发布时间: 分类:英文说说 浏览:
Life is better than waiting for the storm to pass, learn to dance in the rain.
Always yearn for another kind of life in one kind of life, then miss the present life, incidentally also lost the yearning life.

Life does not sell return tickets, once started, can never return.
There is no simple happiness in the world. Happiness is always mixed with troubles and worries. There is no forever in the world.

People in life, come and go; Your own day, or to go step by step.
There is only one heroism in life, and that is to love life after seeing it for what it is.

We were so eager for external approval that we finally realized that the world was our own and had nothing to do with others.
None of us can do anything about it. We are all satisfied with our lives. Many things are just like eating.

Either way, poetry and faraway places are worth seeing, there are always surprises and gains.
We don't understand the world, not because of ignorance, but because not simple enough.

Go through fire and water for the ones who deserve it. Don't care too much about the ones who don't. In this way, your kindness will appear precious.
Heart has a corner, the house big trouble can only squeeze in this corner; If the heart is in all directions, the troubles of the mountain are but a drop in the ocean.

Life is to stick to their own temperament, you are what people take what tone, do not join in the fun with others.
Life is like this, can not avoid those, no matter how to experience, before this, should understand at least can choose to what kind of attitude to face.
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